Sven Udos "L'hôtel et gîte": Teil 1
1.) Herr Tevor Chambers, Banker aus Basel
2.) Herr Sven Udo und Familie, Eigentümer des Berliner Hotels "L'hôtel et gîte"
Sven Udo bekommt Post aus der Schweiz. Eigentlich kennt er dort keinen Menschen. Aber die Mail ist so nett. Also antwortet er.
13 Sep 2005 15:49:57 -0000
"trevorchambers_999" <trevorchambers123@walla.com>
I Crave Your Indulgence
Tevor Chambers
UBS AG in Basel,
Centralbahnplatz 6.
Compliments of the day to you.I am Trevor Chambers,Offshore Investment Banking officer of Union Bank Of Switzerland,Basel. it is with excellent recommendation from a banking colleague of mine that I contact you with a business proposal with overwhelming opportunities.Owing to the exact nature of this business proposal,I advice that utmost confidentiality in all matters I shall discuss with you,be observed,because it is only on this premise of reliability and implicit trust in our capabilities,will the exact dividends of this proposal be achieved.
Priviliged information and official Instruments at our disposal will enable this proposal in the right perpective for a 100% successful execution rate,it is therefore paramount for us to be assured of your discretion in handling details of this proposal which I will discuss with you once I receive an acknowledgement of this email from you with the assurance that even though,the possibility exist of you declining to this proposal,my identity can still be protected with your assured discretion.
I shall anxiously acknowledgement.via email: trevorchambers123@walla.com
Thank you.
Trevor Chambers
Sven Udo antwortet, und zeigt - vorsichtig - Interesse.
Sat, 24 Sep 2005 09:38:47 +0200 (CEST)
Ant: I Crave Your Indulgence
"trevorchambers_999" <trevorchambers123@walla.com>
Dear Trevor Chambers!
Thank you for your surprise mail. By the way, where from, do you have my Email address?
Maybe I am interested in your offer. Please be patient with me, my English is not the best. I do speak perfect Finish, Swedish and Snabellandish! Maybe we can hold contact in this language? And of course German!
My name is Sven Udo, and I have run my own business. I am owner of a medium size Hotel in Berlin: "L'hôtel et gîte Berlin***" So, let's see, what grow out between us!
Sincerely yours, Mir besten Grüssen
Sven Udo - L'hôtel et gîte Berlin
Die Antwort aus der Schweiz kommt umgehend. Scheinbar hat es Herr Trevor Chambers sehr eilig. Und er teilt mit, dass "Mr. Andreas Schranner, a German" Geld hinterlassen hat "exactly US$32M". Das ist ja viel Geld, selbst für einen Berliner Hotelier.
Sat, 24 Sep 2005 02:49:40 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven Udo
Thank you for your interest in acknowledging my previous email. I will proceed to provide information about this proposal, details of which your discretion can be relied upon.
Firstly, I want to inform you that by virtue of the nature of this proposal, it is important for a common understanding between us on the working modalities of this project with a firm view to achieving the immense benefits of this transaction. I hereby provide you with information of my proposal.
The actualization of this proposal is made possible in the Concorde plane fatal air disaster that took all lives on bound on the 25th July 2000. Amongst the 109 passengers that died on that ill fated flight was Mr.Andreas Schranner a depositor in our numbered account vault, who along with his entire family lost their lives. Please refer to BBC news in this link below.
This is the basis of this proposal.
I have information about a numbered vault deposit made in my bank branch in favor of Mr. Andreas Schranner, a German property magnate. Value of this deposit as at the time of lodgment was exactly US$32M (Thirty-two million United States Dollars). As a next of kin was not nominated by Mr. Andreas Schranner and as there is no existing next of kin alive to inherit this deposit, I propose that with your acceptance of this proposal, I will be able to establish probate documents supporting you as the bona fide inheritor of this deposit.
The entire value of deposit is US$32M.For this partnership, I also propose a proceeds share of 40% of the total US$32M to you while the other 60% will be mine.
Now, I am aware of the potential need for you to be skeptical about the information I have just divulged to you. However, I must assure you that in circumstances like this, skepticism can only be the hindrance. In the event that you wish to treat this information as unserious or impossible or even too good to be true, I will only crave your understanding in keeping discrete the information I have disclosed to you. On the other hand, if you realize the immense benefits accruable from this transaction and you wish to become my partner on this, I will be more than delighted to avail to you the modalities this project can be concluded.
I will look forward to you next reply.
Thank you and warm regards,
Trevor Chambers
Trevor hat's sehr eilig. Da der Hotelier viel zu tun hat, wird er selten sofort antworen können.
Sat, 24 Sep 2005 20:00:09 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven,
I want to you if you got my last email i sent you.Please write back to let me know if you will still like to proceed with me.The money involve here is $32 million American Dollars.
Gäste kommen und gehen, so ist das nun mal in einem Hotel. Außerden ist Sven Udo und seine Familie sehr christlich, und geht jeden Sonntag in die Kirche. Mit anderen Worten, er hat wenig Zeit.
Sun, 25 Sep 2005 11:46:57 +0200 (CEST)
Ant: Trevorchambers
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Mr. Trevor Chambers!
Thank you for your 2 Mails.
I can't answer so fast, how I would like it gladly. As I already wrote you, I possess a propper renowned hotel in Berlin.
And straight this weekend arrived a large travel's group from the USA and from China. There it gives to do naturally very much. OK, dear Mr. Chambers, as said, your business offer about 32 million US$ interests me much.
Before one "enters-should-imagines" however into such business one a little better become acquainted with I. That creates confidence and respect. Thus, I am married to Laura-Spami and we have 2 beautiful children. A boy and a girl. We lead a christian life. And go each Sunday into the church.
And you, dear Trevor, have you a family, children? Do you believe in God? So far, for today I wish you still a pleasant Sunday.
Faithfully yours
Sven Udo - L'hôtel et gîte Berlin
Ach, wie schön doch Mugus schwindeln können. Von einem deutschen Banker, hat er meine Emailadd. (dessen Namen er natürlich vertraulich behandeln muss). Ich weiß es besser, auf einer "Muguwiese", hat er meine Add. abgefingert, oder eingetauscht/gekauft, wie auch immer. Und Freundschaft will er schließen. Na gut, einen "Freund" in Mugukreisen habe ich bisher nicht.
Sun, 25 Sep 2005 15:14:26 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven Udo,
Your English is good; I do not have any difficulty understanding your email. Thank you for your interest in my proposal. As you have rightfully asked for my source of contact with you, it is only proper that I answer your question.
I will to an extent inform you without at this point in time disclosing his name as he is a banking colleague in Germany who has given me your profile as a reliable and credible person I could enter into business with. Please understand that the reason I can not disclose the details of this colleague is that he does not know the nature of business I wish to pursue with you and for reason of safe guarding the details of this business project and its logical success, I have not discussed with him but you.
I do assure you however, that once we are able to begin this project with a common goal and I am certain of your discretion to disclose the name of my contact in Germany I let you know his name and bank where he works.I am a family man and a devout catholic. I have been married now for 23years to my wife Rosanne and we are blessed with a daughter who is presently in Cambridge University.
I do understand your need to be better acquainted; it helps in bridging the gap between strangers to be friends or associates. I must say that the proposal which I have made possible to you is not a usual type. It is important for an understanding to be reached. Due to the nature of the project which I have now disclosed to you, it is important for you to listen to details of how this transaction is to be worked to its logical end. Your commitment that this will be the case must be communicated to me in your next email.
As you know, a lot of money is involved here which although is the reason for our coming together, another important virtue to me is friendship.There is other information about the working of this transaction which I will send to you after I have heard from you. It is very important that we keep in constant and prompt communication with each other.
I will anxiously wait for your reply.
Man, hat's der Mann eilig! Den werde ich noch ein wenig bremsen müssen. ;)
Mon, 26 Sep 2005 00:45:25 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Re: Ant: Trevorchambers
Dear Sven Udo,
Am still waiting to hear from you and please always reply me back on time so that we can finish the transaction on time.
Mon, 26 Sep 2005 11:48:27 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven
How are you doing.Please reply asap to this email,I know you are a very busy person.
I hope to hear from you soon. Regards,
Ich liebe meine Arbeit und mein Hotel. Da gibt es viel zu erzählen.
Tue, 27 Sep 2005 00:14:01 +0200 (CEST)
Ant: Trevorchambers
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear friend Trevor!
Thank you for your friendly Mails. Yes, I am really very busy with my hotel. Fortunately many regular customers and travel's groups always come. Since I locked contracts with different travel agencies.
Also I offer three-daily-routes in Berlin: "Berlin experience - at day and night" for only 399.00 Euro! And a special "gentleman program", with the title: "In Berlin they are not long alone - sexy nights"! The gentlemen, who book this program, pay (for one night) 299.00 Euro. But they get a lady service of the special kind, with: Striptease, Peepshow, and 1 glass sparkling wine.
This program landlord gladly used by Americans. However it shows sometimes also annoyance, like yesterday night only. The Amis drinks too much alcohol. And then they rampaging . I had to get even the police, last night.
I send you few photos of my hotel also. There you have a better conception. I would gladly also exchange a few family photos with you! Do you agree with me, and send some too? Well to read lives you and it's nice family in God confidence.
Well, write me somewhat more from the transaction which we intend, thank! I will hope all go well and safe. And please, be patient with me and explain all very good to me. You know, I understand English not so well, as I want! And I don't want to involve any other person in our transaction.
This is all for today. Have a nice time.
Faithfully yours
Sven Udo - L'hôtel et gîte Berlin
L'hôtel et gîte - Berlin
"Trevorchambers" hat's mächtig eilig. Ich dagegen nicht.
Tue, 27 Sep 2005 05:52:16 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Re: Ant: Trevorchambers
Dear Sven,
Thank you very much for your email.
I will be pleased to have my family photo sent to you.Infact,I will send a scanned copy on thursday,my private scanner which I just purchased for this project still needs installation and this will be done on thursday.It will be a good aspect of our partnership and friendship to exchange these photos.
Thank you very much for your copies of your scanned hotel,it is indeed,very grand.I am pleased that you do not wish to bring an outsider into this transaction.This is very good because this is not the sort of business too many people must know about.I will assure you that everything will be done to ensure the legtimate documentation of probate papers that will acknowledge you as the next of kin.Do not worry yourself about your english,it is very good.I can understand you very well.
I have made arrangements with the solicitor that will handle the probate papers but in the mean time,I want you to read through the procedure that we shall follow.to ensure that the funds are transferred from Union bank of Switzerland to a fiduciary company in the UK.This will be in the next email I send along with this one.
Im Minutetakt, kommen die Mails von "Trevorchambers". Der hat's wirklich nötig!
Tue, 27 Sep 2005 05:56:47 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven,
After reading your last email indicating your support towards our partnership,I will provide details of what I will be doing from now onwards for the success we anticipate. Note it is important for us to be steadfast during the course of this transaction. Our commitment, time, money will be at stake here, so we must ensure that our unwavering attention is given to this transaction. For the benefit of a better understanding of this transaction, I will start by breaking our responsibilities into focus so that we are aware of what is needed from us.
Your responsibility will be to communicate with the fiduciary company in UK where these funds will be moved to once all documents and subsequent approval for transfer of this estate have been concluded in your favor.
Probate documentation matters will be handled by me. We have already hired an expert lawyer in Probate matters in Zurich that will handle all relevant documents involved that will legitimately recognize you as the appointed next of kin to Mr. Andreas Schranner.
These documents will include a Power of Attorney nominating this hired lawyer as your counsel on your behalf in these matters. This will be followed by a registered Will indicating that you have been appointed as the beneficiary of the estate of Mr. Andreas Schranner. I want you to be rest assured that our lawyer has been adequately mobilized to handle all documents. This is the basic element legitimizing this entire process of transfer of the funds, US$32M in your favor.
Once the Probate documents have been secured and approved in your name (favor) thereby legitimately recognizing you as the bona fide next of kin to Mr. Andreas Schranner, the second stage of this transaction would have been completed. This next stage will involve submission of the Probate Application by our hired lawyer to my bank Union Bank of Switzerland, Basel Branch. It is here all final approval such as the independent verification of claims being put forward on your behalf by your lawyer is checked out by my bank. The verification exercise will be a mere formality owing to the proper presentation of documents. Due confirmation of all claims enclosed in your probate file will thus be vetted as bona fide having satisfactorily fulfilled all Swiss probate laws. At this stage, you are fully recognized by my bank as the inheritor of funds left behind in my bank by Mr. Andreas Schranner.
This now brings into fore payment of the US$32Million in your favor. As expected, there are two options to this either you present yourself in my bank to finalize the payment process into a designated account or you use the services of a lawyer. The second option is a better one and the lawyer handling this file from the beginning will provide information of the fiduciary company in the UK where these funds will be deposited in a numbered vault to my Bank for appropriate transfer process.
Dear partner, I will suggest that you read and understand the details I have provided above before we proceed. This is important as the outcome of this project depends on our commitment to realize the importance of the success we can achieve, and it will take our collective understanding to achieve this.
I anticipate your response after you have duly read this information to your understanding. You must ask me questions about any areas you do not understand.This project must be kept secretly between us.
Thanks for your understanding.
Nachdem nun noch weitere 3 Mails im "Stunden Rhytmus" bei mir ankamen, poste ich nun die letzte Mail. (Die "Zwischendurch-Mails" haben keinen Unterhaltungswert, deshalb lasse ich sie hier einfach weg)
Diesmal hat mir doch Trevor ein nettes Familienfoto mitgeschickt.
Thu, 29 Sep 2005 08:57:33 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven,
I am really quite anxious to hear from you asap. There are alot to achieve and it is important that we stay in touch.I am aware of your busy schedule,but I equally have a tough schedule as well.Please reply.
I have attached a dinner photo of my family.
Nun kommt meine Antwort. Natürlich ebenfalls mit Familien Fotos. Ansonsten schreibt Sven viel - aber ohne Inhalt - jedenfalls was die Geschäfte mit Trevor betrifft.
Fri, 30 Sep 2005 04:51:40 +0200 (CEST)
Ant: Trevorchambers
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear friend Trevor!
Quite thank you for your Mails. I read it all attentively. And I believe I also everything well understood.
If I have questions, I become IT THEM NATURAL IMMEDIATELY COMMUNICATING! Their last Mail, prepared special joy for me. The family photo is miracle beautiful. My compliments, you have an attractive family. Your Mrs. Rosanne is very pretty. And also Chloe - the daughter - makes - a good impression.
In response, I send you 3 photos back. One is a photo of me. As well as of our daughter Carolina and our son Gilbert. Gilbert is my whole pride and it is also times the hotel later to inherit!
Carolina is a nice girl. And very prettily. And therefore it makes sometimes also concerns for us. She smokes and drinks wine. Much wine, from the hotel wine cellars, very expensve wine! And also their friends do not please me (DRUGS)! You live in Switzerland, there give it nevertheless very strict girl- pensions. Couldn't one accommodate it there? As could look around times for me. Do you make this for me?
In the hotel there is for the moment nothing news. Much - too much - work. Gladly I would dedicate myself more to our business. But unfortunately...
Well, we hope the best! Communicate to me the further way to the business with the money, thanks!
Best Regards your friend,
Sven Udo
Carolina our daughter
Gilbert our son
Wie rührend, Trevor macht sich Sorgen um "meinen missratene Tochter" - die raucht und säuft. Da müsse schon mal die Geschäfte in den Hintergrund treten! Ich lese da sowas:"Presto Online Account in the Deutsche Bank,Cayman Islands" Na' das kann ja noch was werden!
Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:42:36 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven,
Thank you for your email.At last I can now be relaxed as I was getting anxious.The problem with the younger generation is that they have too much comfort at their disposal.Values have completely been taken over by too much societal peer group pressure.It is really a difficult situation.Sometimes,it is just a phase for the youngsters,they eventually get over it.Gilbert is a georgous young boy,i can see he has artistic gifts already.The photos are brilliant,thank you
I will send you a sample Power of Attorney which you are to type out and sign.The lawyer representing us in this matter needs a Power of Attorney from the next of Kin.I will send it in my next mail.
I have already made adequate arrangements for all probate matters to be concluded next week and once this is done,application for the transfer of the funds will immediately be made by the lawyer to my bank for transfer of the funds to the fiduciary agents in Uk in your favor. Once the funds are in UK,you can then request that the fiduciary company opens a Presto Online Account in the Deutsche Bank,Cayman Islands for the lodgement of the funds.The funds will not be taxed in this bank as Cayman Islands is a tax free haven.
I will get back to you with the sample letter of Power of Attorney which you must act on immediately.
Small talk mit Trevor. Ich bin mal auf das gespannt, was er nun an "Dokumente" vom Anwalt schickt!
Mon, 3 Oct 2005 22:25:18 +0200 (CEST)
Ant: Trevorchambers
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear friend Trevor,
Thank you for your Mail. Today only a short Sundays greeting. Thank you also for compliments at Gilbert! He is with its 8 years already a versatile boy. Paints gladly, begins to play piano. And large interest in the hotel shows. Times he is in the main kitchen, times in the laundry, times plays he me children of guests.
Whereby I make certain - very much - that he does not play with worker's children. Cads may not rank among its friends!
The whole opposite of his sister Carolina, unfortunately!
Whereby I make certain - very much - that he does not play with worker children. Cads may not rank among its friends! Well Trevor, I expects then the documents of the attorney. Will then examine exactly. And will then decide.
Best wishes to you and your lovely family,
Trevor kanns nicht schnell genug gehen. Allein heute vier Mails, innerhalb ein paar Stunden. Drängelei muss bestraft werden. Mit warten.
Tue, 4 Oct 2005 04:41:18 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven,
Everything has now been setup for commencement.Once we have probate approval actual transfer of funds will be done by my bank with the hired lawyer doing all the necessary legal work on your behalf as well.In due time,I will provide you with the entire details of the Fiduciary company so that you can inform that of funds being transferred to their numbered accounts in your favor by UBS.
The important thing for you do now is to type this sample power of attorney and sign it so that I can have it forwarded to the lawyer.I have sent a copy of this sample Power of Attorney.It is important that you act on it immediately.
Dear Sven,the next email contains the Power of Attorney which you are to type out as a document and sign.You will then attach it and send it to me as an email attachment.When I receive it,I will begin the process of sending it to the lawyer so that he can begin work on this.The process will be fast tracked,I therefore expect that in a matter of 1week,we can approach a conclusive end. Please act on this and reply asap.
Warm regards,
Und das soll ein Dokument sein? Der will mich wohl ver*rschen? Nicht mal eine andere Emailadd. oder so. Der schreibt sich seine Dokumente selber.
Tue, 4 Oct 2005 04:44:17 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Power of Attorney
By this power of Attorney, I,.............. of................do hereby depose on oath and appoint Barrister Jean-Pierre Bogarte of the law firm of Bogarte Solicitors,Zurich as the bona-fide and legal representative to act on my behalf in Probate matters concerning the Estate of late Mr.Andreas Schranner presently held with Union Bank of Switerland(UBS).
I,.................... hereby grant the said appointed Barrister Jean-Pierre Bogarte,the full Power and Authority to do and perform all acts necessary to release of estate and execute all Documents/Instrument as required by Swiss probate laws and the financial regulations of Union Bank of Switzerland(UBS) to enable me,(full names here) being the appointed next of kin to take possession of the Estate and any duties that may require to complete this empowerment.
The right, Power and Authority of this said Power of Attorney in fact to execute the power herein granted shall remain in full force and effect until the aforesaid transaction is completed or until revoked by me in writing.
In witness hereof, I have affixed my name as the principal on this............ day of .............. 2005.
Yours Sincerely,
Und schon kommen die die nächsten zwei Mails.
4 Oct 2005 04:46:08 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven,
I have sent the Power of Attorney which you are to fill your names in relevant blanks and brackets.If you have any questions,please ask.Please act immediately.
@Trevor: "Please act immediately" = I never take prompt action :p
Wed, 5 Oct 2005 05:45:35 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven,
What is happening?I was hoping that I would receive a reply to the last emails I sent to you yesterday.It is important for me to hear from you asap.the solicitor is already working in securing the probate papers in your name that will enable proper application for the transfer of the funds to you as the beneficiary.Without the Power of Attorney which you are to send,the solicitor will not be able to represent the application with UBS.You should please understand the importance of time in this project,I do realise you busy schedule,I am equally dedicting alot of my time in ensuring that all goes well.
Please act asap.
Nu' habe ich mal Trevor geantwortet. Zur Zeit gibt's viel Durcheinander und Ärger im Hotel:
Erst hat ein Gast, das ganze Internet im Hotel kaputt gemacht. Wie er das gemacht hat, dass weiß er selbst nicht. Dann musste ich meine Tochter von der Polizei freikaufen. Carolina war betrunken Auto gefahren.
Zum Regierungswechsel hat sich also eine hochrangige Delegation aus Bhubaneswar (Maharashtra) einquartiert. Ich schicke Ihnen eine Berliner Zeitung, die darüber berichtete. Außerdem noch eine Delegation aus, Ouangadougou (Burkina) wohnt bei mir.
Und weil das alles noch nicht genug war, ist der Swimmigpool übergelaufen. Weil die Gäste aus Bhubaneswar alle so dick sind. Das ist KEIN Witz, das ist die reine Warheit. Ich wäre froh, wenn es nur ein Witz wäre, dann müsste ich jetzt nicht das halbe Hotel trocken legen.
Die Mail mir dem "Power of Attorney" ist sicher nur ein Beispiel. Das echte Dokument, schicken Sie mir dann noch als Mail Anhang. Danke!
Fri, 7 Oct 2005 01:29:24 +0200 (CEST)
Ant: Urgent
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Very honoured Trevor!
Thank you for all your mails. But for the moment, the devil is the matter with me! Only a guest made, the whole InterNet in the hotel broken. How, he made that that he does not know. Damage about 11800 Euro!
Then had I to look at my daughter of the police ransom . Carolina had driven drunk car. Yes, and the father - thus I - must pay everything.
Then the high state guests took themselves to accomodation with me. To the change of government thus a high-ranking delegation from Bhubaneswar (Maharashtra) took quarter. I send you the "BALD" of Berlin a newspaper, which reported on it, to you.
In addition still another deputation from, Ouangadougou (Burkina) accomodation with me. So the hotel is complete booked up.
And because that was all not yet enough, the Swimmigpool overflowed. Because the guests from Bhubaneswar are so thick/fat all. That is not a joke, that is the pure beingness. I would be glad, if it were only one joke, then would have I not the half hotel drying now to put.
I had really deal no time with the offer more in greater detail. Your mail to me, with the "Power the of Attorney" is surely only one example? The genuine document, you surely still send to me as mail appendix (attachment)
. Thanks!
Well, my dear friend, have a nice time and be patient with me.
Sven Udo, Direktor Hotel "L' hotel et gite Berlin"
Trevor scheint mit seinem Computer zu schlafen. Jedenfalls, ist er er nicht ausgelastet. Immer kommt sofort Antwort. Muss er halt wieder ein paar Tage warten.
Fri, 7 Oct 2005 01:38:06 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Trevor Chambers
Dear Sven,
I am so sorry to hear about the different mishap in your hotel.I can imagine the difficult week you have had to go through.
Please be informed that the smple power of attorney I sent you is for you to transcribe it into a document that will be signed by you,it is this copy that you will then send back to me as an attachment which I will make available to the solicitor.Without this Power of Attorney from you as the bneficiary of the funds,Union Bank of Switzerland will not honor the application of the solicitor.
This power of attonery must come from you.So,what you need to do now is copy the sample I have sent and sign it.The solicitor was expecting to receive this power of attorney yesterday as he has alomost finished with the probate,he is make arrangements for the application to UBS.Please act on this asap.
Trevor ist am drängen und drängen...
Sat, 8 Oct 2005 02:40:24 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Trevor Chambers
Dear Sven,
how is the hotel doing i hope you have put everything in order now.Please like i said before in my last email i sent to you please do fill the power of attorney and send it back to me so that the lawyer handling all the paper can start to work on it so that the funds can be transfered on time.If you can fill the power of attorney on time so that the funds can be transfered this week.Reply Asap.Have a nice weekend extend my greetings to your family.
Regards Trevor,
Soooooo, der "Hotelchef" hat nun (auf drängen) von "Trevor" diese =Power of Attorney= zurückgeschickt. Nicht, ohne darauf hinzuweisen, dass diese Mail, keinerlei rechtlichen Charakter hat ;).
Datum: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 20:09:28+0200 (CEST)
Ant: Trevor
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Trevor,
thanks for your mail. I am really busy yet! So I send you this "Power of Attorney" back.
I don't really understand, what for power this will be, from this simple mail. No correct signature. No stamps and only manipulatable email. This mail does not have - in my eyes - right character.
But I make the favour for you. Because you can please so nicely.
Down you find the "Power of Attorney"! I hope that I will receive soon the original documents.
= = Power of Attorney = =
By this power of Attorney, I, Sven....of Udo.....do hereby depose on oath and
appoint Barrister Jean-Pierre Bogarte of the law firm of Bogarte
Solicitors,Zurich as the bona-fide and legal representative to act on my behalf
in Probate matters concerning the Estate of late Mr.Andreas Schranner presently
held with Union Bank of Switerland(UBS).
I Sven Udo...... hereby grant the said appointed Barrister Jean-Pierre
Bogarte,the full Power and Authority to do and perform all acts necessary to
release of estate and execute all Documents/Instrument as required by Swiss
probate laws and the financial regulations of Union Bank of Switzerland(UBS) to
enable me,(full names here) being the appointed next of kin to take possession
of the Estate and any duties that may require to complete this empowerment.
The right, Power and Authority of this said Power of Attorney in fact to
execute the power herein granted shall remain in full force and effect until
the aforesaid transaction is completed or until revoked by me in writing.
In witness hereof, I have affixed my name as the principal on this 10... day of
Oct.... 2005.
Yours Sincerely,
Sven Udo Manager/Director L'hôtel et gîte" Berlin
"Trevor" hat schon wieder eine passende Antwort parat. Und jetzt kommt England ins Spiel.
Tue, 11 Oct 2005 07:18:58 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven,
I do understand you commitment to you business.It is equally important to share this same commitment to this project as it will not take too much of our time longer now that the application to UBS as been made by the solicitor on your behalf.At the moment,I have spoken with the solicitor on the power of attorney which you sent and was not signed by you and he said to me that he will register this power of attorney at the courts to make with it a bona fide document.
I am confident that these funds will be transferred to the fiduciary company in UK this week.Once this is done you would have to contact the fiduciary company as the beneficiary of the funds.
I will revert back to you soonest.Please write back soon. Regards,
"Trevor" bekommt u.a. eine Einladung für Sven Udo's "L'hôtel et gîte" Berlin! Mal sehen ob er die Einladung annimmt?
Fri, 14 Oct 2005 02:42:51 +0200 (CEST)
Ant: Trevor
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear friend Trevor!
Thank you for their mail. Yes, I am really very busy! The high delegation from Bhubaneswar, left now. They flooded the Swimmingpool (before a few days). As I already wrote you.
And now (after its departure) I had to determine those to have many things stolen! Although they are high officials, they filched "like the ravens"! From the rooms are missing: Coat-hangers, ash cups, bath shoes, bathrobes, ball- point pens, pillows, rugs and even a whole lamp carried forward them. "These people" do not come me again into my house! NEVER IN MY HOTEL!
Well, as much to it. By the way, I do not understand yours mails well. As you know, my English are not not the best. Thus explain to me again, what has it with the attorney in England on itself, and which I am to do thereby? The whole lasts now already over one month, and of the money (which you promised me) I see still nothing! WHY ACTUALLY?
So complicated it cannot be nevertheless to move a few thousand Euro - from account to account.
Isn't it like that?
If I were so slow in my hotel, then I would be already broke down! OK, Trevor, I hope we will soon finish our deal. Then you can come over to visit me in my Hotel!
For that, I send you today my invitations form!
Sven Udo "L'hôtel et gîte" Berlin
"Trevor" ist ganz schön International: "funds, Union Bank of Switzerland" und "Deutsche Bank Cayman Islands" nun der "Rechtsanwalt" auf der Insel "Isle of Man. UK Royal Financial & Securities Services".
Geht's nicht ein wenig einfacher?
Fri, 14 Oct 2005 09:22:55 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven,
Thank you for the email and the invitation to visit you in Berlin,be rest assured that i am looking forward to this visit with my family once we conclude this project of ours.
I am a very careful person.the reason this project may have extended to this length of time is because I have to make sure that the process meets with all the required legalities involved.this is why I have hired a solicitor handling the probate papers and the application of the transfer to UBS on your behalf.
You have asked for an explaination on what your role will be once the funds move to the fiduciary vaults in Uk.As the nbeneficiary of the funds being moved over to the UK vaults,it will be your responsibility to contact them and advice them on how you want the funds handled.The reason these funds are being moved to UK is that you will request the fiduciary agents to open a Presto Online account in your name in the Deutsche Bank,Cayman Islands where these funds will not be taxed.Do you understand? Please ask any questions if you have because it is important that you know what to do.
I want you to know that I will not be able to contact the fiduciary agents in UK because of my status as a worker with UBS.So,as the beneficiary,it will be you who will be doing the communication with the fiduciary agents.
At the moment the funds have been moved from UBS to the Vaults in UK as of this afternnon.So,US$32M is now bound for UK.
I am sending you the information of the fiduciary company so that you can contact them that you have funds from Union Bank of Switzerland that will be deposited in their vaults by the coming week.Inform that you already have confirmation from UBS that these funds were transferred this afternoon.You will then request that you are interested in the fiduciary agents assisting youwith the opening of a Presto onlineaccount with the Deutsche Bank in the Cayman Islands.Send them an email.
Dear Sven,if you have any questions regarding this email,please let me know.We can not afford any mistakes at this stage.
The details of the Fiduciary agents are:
Royal Financial & Securities Services
Isle of Man. Uk
Email: royalfss_garmstrong@yahoo.co.uk
Regards, Trevor
Und gleich die Nachfrage hinterher...
Sat, 15 Oct 2005 07:41:52 -0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven,
How are you doing today.I hope you are having an easier time in your hotel this weekend and I also hope you do not have such difficult lodgers as the delegates you had last week.
Please reply to me my email.I sent you an email yesterday with instructions.Have you read it?Let me know immediately.
regards, Trevor
Antwort an "Trevor" und Royal Financial & Securities Services". Dazu noch ein "Stadtplan von Berlin"
Tue, 18 Oct 2005 00:58:31 +0200 (CEST)
Ant: Trevor
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Thank you very much for your two mails.
That is very international: "funds, Union Bank of Switzerland" and "Deutsche Bank Cayman Islands" once more now the "Isle of Man. UK = Royal Financial & Securities Services"
("find, union bank of Switzerland" and "German bank Cayman Iceland" once more now the "Isle of Man. UK = Royal Financial & Securities services")
Like that I am not sure, at all whether I there still look through keep. My hotel holds me enough in excitement. Something always happens. There are crazy guests. Guests those the calculation do not pay etc.!
Trevor, dear friend - you live still in Switzerland. Can you find times, to see there whether one can buy a good hotel there?
I would pay then directly with your money (which I get from you).
OK, I sent my invitation to you (last mail). And today you get still the city plan in addition. "Center of Berlin" thereby you can my hotel find quick. It is in the middle in the area of government administration (quarter).
Sven Udo "L'hôtel et gîte" Berlin
Und da ist noch einer, der an meinem Verstand und Verständnis zweifelt. Ist wohl nicht mein Tag heute
Tue, 18 Oct 2005 05:09:16 - 0700 (PDT)
"Trevor Chambers" <trevorchambers_999@yahoo.com>
Dear Sven,
I am gutted with the mail you have sent me and as well copied the fiduciary agents in UK.Why did you do this.If I needed the fiduciary agents to know of my involvement in this transaction,perhaps I would not have needed a partner in the first place.I did not make pretensions to you on how I have planned to execute this project,everything was made clear to you.I do not now understand why you make reference to the International nature of this project.I have made plans for this project to go the way it is to afford any straight electronic path on the funds.
Honestly,I am even more surprised that you do not seem quite sure of this project anymore.Please could you clarify?I need to know you stance.
Regards, Trevor
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